This fall I vote for... Higgs

Well, now that I've seen both POTUS candidates speak live this year... I've decided that in order to correct all that is wrong with this world and make mankind a better institution, this fall I am going to vote for SCIENCE. That's right, how about we give technological advancement a try at cleaning the environment, making us healthy, and getting us off this planet a few generations down the road?

Actually, I do knock the scientific community for testing God in a few areas, but that is by no means a call to stop pushing the limits in order to expand our fundamental knowledge of physical existence.

The fellas at CERN are about to do something huge. Wednesday is the first day of the next big leap in physics, whether the experiments work or not (the video explains it pretty well). So over the next two years of smashing tiny objects into each other, we may discover just a little bit more about this big deal we call our place in the universe.

There is also a small, small chance that these mad scientists will create a black hole and Wednesday we won't exist anymore. So this is a heads up. Go outside and take a smell of life. Try to paint something. Tell someone you love them, and appreciate the beauty God has given you in your life. You have two days.

And if we make it, all those things will still be valid, and who knows, maybe you'll walk out of the end of this week with an appreciation for fresh air, an ugly painting of your favorite animal, and someone who is thankful they mean something to you.

Remember, we are responsible for advancing ourselves to the point where life is easier, more efficient, and more enjoyable. But let's not forget that life is NOT easy or efficient, and that pain is there for a reason. Remember you are a human being. Thanks Mike for this little helper on living like one:

i love you

blue skies


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