Lesson in phys- huh?
How to learn what they're trying to teach you?
What are they trying to teach you?
Remember the textbook? It starts with two particles, of whose origin the lesson never goes into. They are just there… zipping along. And they collide.
They will do one of two things... they can bounce away... and let's not bring the direction into this... but they will bounce away in some direction, following some mathematical mombo jumbo which determines how fast they move away from each other. OR they will stay together, traveling as one happily ever after, forever, according to some other fine equation which was formulated 300 years ago based on principles that have been proven wrong by the discoveries of the last century (thus they are ghost principles).
1 and 2, A and B, Yin and Yang (best bad cliché ever), whatever they are called… no feelings, no purpose. Just a teaching aid. If they stick together, lesson over, here's your grade. If they never see each other again, here's your grade.
And that's how we learn reason.
If I were to say that watching those two particles meeting and flying apart was "sublime", to borrow an example from Clive, I would be wrong… here's your bad grade. Feelings have no place in logic. Nor is happily ever after considered quality thinking.
Ok, so a little self study finds me wondering what happens when those two individuals fly apart. Once, the most intelligent man of his time decided that space curves. True, right? Will never be "proven" wrong? No more ghosts?
So space curves, and all of a sudden the two lovers meet again.
There is no love in reason.
Wait, let's say these two particles are super duper itty bitty tiny. I mean, really, when you think about it (and thinking is dangerous) we really are just a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark… that's what Carl said. When a pair of tiny particles – and when they're that small we really shouldn't call them particles anymore – start as a pair and fly away in exact opposite directions, something crazy happens. Not crazy… irrational… no, not irrational, unexplained. When one little itty bitty body turns to look back at the other, the other one turns around at the exact same moment in time. Billions of light years, lifetimes, memories, and lonely nights away, they both turn and look at each other at the same time. You won't find it worded quite like that in the textbook, but I always thought I'd be better at writing children's books.
Do you see a building or a lot of bricks? A green field or millions of blades of grass? Do you see rays of sunlight or are your eyes just registering EM radiation that happens to indicate the existence of something which happened 8 and a half minutes ago? What is seeing? They STILL don't know how our eyes and brain work to create vision… but it must be something amazing, because we burn half of our resting calories processing sight… wow
We always find a reason… and it's all as relative as a dog and firefighter's differing views on the purpose of a hydrant. Yet truth is something we will NEVER know in our current forms. But enough on forms and truth… different stream and I am out of paddles
Drift away… rock and roll… get lost… free my soul… gimme the beat…
Bam… we have impact
Leaves a great taste in my mouth
Most Incredible Neat Taste
I'll always turn around every once in a while to see if you are looking back too, from the other corner of the pale blue dot
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